Stock Market Education from Zero: How to Learn the Stock Market?

5 min readAug 15, 2021


Learning the stock market, just like learning to ride a bike, is possible by going step-by-step through trial and error.

One of the important advantages of the stock market is that it lasts for life. It is a process that takes years for investors who want to develop their capabilities and get the benefits. Strategies used twenty years ago are still used. Of course, the game continues with all its strength.

What is the Stock Exchange?

First of all, let’s briefly define what the stock market is. The stock market is the place where shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold. Well-known American stock markets: Apple, Facebook, Disney, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Netflix, Uber, and Pinterest.

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There is a seller for every buyer in the stock market. When you buy 100 shares, someone sells you 100 shares. Likewise, when you sell, someone has to buy it. If the number of buyers (demand) is greater than the number of sellers (supply), then the price of the stock will increase. Conversely, if there are more sellers than buyers, the price will fall.

10 Great Ways To Learn The Stock Market For Free.

1. Open an Account with a Brokerage Firm.

2. Read a Book.

3. Read Article.

4. Find a Mentor or Friend.

5. Review Successful Investors.

6. Follow the Stock Market News Daily.

7. Get Paid Subscriptions.

8. Attend Seminars, Attend Online or Live Classes.

9. Buy Stocks Now or Use Simulation.

10. Take Warren Buffett’s Advice: Don’t Get Stubborn With The Market!

8 Tactics and Tips To Making Money In The Stock Market.

1. Set Long-Term Goals.

2. Understand Your Risk Tolerance.

3. Control Your Emotions.

4- Do not follow the market and prices daily. Don’t Buy-Sell.

5. Start with the Basics.

6. Diversify Your Investments.

7. Don’t Get Investment Advice From Anyone.

8. Be Buyer When Falling, Seller When Rising.

5 Strategies To Track the Stock Market.

1. Track Interest Rates.

2. Analyze Weekly Market Movements.

3. Review Financial Statements.

4. Try to Talk to Company Executives.

5. Attend Companies’ Year-End Meetings.

10 Great Ways To Learn The Stock Market For Free.

For those who want to learn about the stock market and buy and sell stocks, “How do I start?” 10 amazing answers to the question:

1. Open an Account with a Brokerage Firm.

Find a good online stock broker and open an account. Get familiar with the site’s interface and take advantage of free investment and research tools available only to customers. Some brokerages offer a very useful tool for virtual investment with affected money.

2. Read a Book.

You can find as much information as you want in books and they are more affordable compared to lectures, seminars, and training kits on the internet. If you do your research, you can find many important investor and author names such as Warren Buffet and Michael Lewis.

Our recommendation is the book “Smart Investor”, which is also a favorite of Warren Buffet, and “How to Make Money in the Stock Market” by William O’Neil. is the book.

3. Read Article.

Articles are great resources for free education. You can find dozens of articles suitable for all levels in our category titled “ Exchange “. If you want English resource advice, Investopedia is currently the most popular investment education site.

4- Find a Mentor or Friend.

Someone you know from your family, workplace, professors, or any other place with basic stock market knowledge can mentor and guide you. A good mentor is someone willing to answer your questions, help out, recommend useful resources, and give you a boost when things go wrong. He has been a mentor to all successful investors in the past or present.

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Although obsolete by now, online forums are still in use and can be a great place to get your questions answered. But be careful who you listen to. The vast majority of participants are not even professional traders, let alone successful traders who have made a profit.

Do not take the advice from the forums into your life without thoroughly examining them and do not follow the investment advice under any terms and conditions. In addition to these, you can be informed about current information and developments by following certain Twitter accounts and benefit from the stock recommendations given.

5. Review Successful Investors.

Learning about the lives and doings of great investors in the past is very important to have a new perspective, to be inspired, and to understand the value of the stock market. Names such as Warren Buffett, Jesse Livermore, George Soros, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, John Templeton, and Paul Tudor Jones are examples of legendary names.

6. Follow the Stock Market News Daily.

You can become familiar with economic trends by following the stock market news a little every day, and you can master the investment language by examining the analyzes of third parties. On the other hand, watching the share prices in a graph, looking at the news headlines, and examining the basic information of the companies through investing is another useful effort.

Another way to get involved with the stock market is television. Bloomberg is arguably the most popular channel in this regard. Even watching 15 minutes a day will increase your knowledge. Don’t let the jargon or the news style scare you. Just watch.

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Let your brain slowly digest the comments, discussions, and interviews. Keep in mind, over time, you might think that most TV shows about investing are just distractions and adrenaline distractions rather than useful.

Keep in mind that it is very rare for advice given on television to turn into profit.

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